Call for Abstracts is Closed

The technical program for ACE 2016 is currently being selected and will be announced in January 2016. Abstracts were submitted under the following themes:

Theme 1: Siliciclastics

Theme Co-Chairs: Shahin Dashtgard (Simon Fraser University), Joe MacQuaker (ExxonMobil), Carmen Fraticelli (Noble Energy)

This theme will present the current trends and concepts of deposition, stratigraphy and characterization of siliciclastic rocks from sandstone to shale as applied to both exploration and development projects.


  1. Continental and Paralic Systems
  2. Deepwater Systems
  3. Source-to-Sink
  4. Mudrock Sedimentology and Stratigraphy and Muddy Shorelines
  5. Biostratigraphy, Applied Palynology, Micropaleontology and Applied Ichnology
  6. Geochemistry in Clastics, Source Rock Geochemistry and Clastic Diagenesis
  7. Hydrogeology
  8. Geomorphology
  9. The Floods of 2013; Insights From the Dynamics of Fluvial Systems in Foreland Basins

Theme 2: Carbonates and Evaporites

Theme Co-Chairs: Alex MacNeil (Osum Oil Sands), Gareth Jones (ExxonMobil)

This theme will encompass current understanding and new research into carbonate and evaporite deposits as applied to exploration and development.


  1. Recent Advances in Carbonate Diagenesis
  2. Modeling of Carbonate and Evaporite Systems
  3. Carbonate Heavy Oil Reservoirs
  4. Unconventional Carbonate Systems
  5. Geobiology of Carbonate Systems
  6. Double and Triple Porosity in Carbonates – Enhanced Reservoir Performance Predictions

Theme 3: Energy and the Environment

Theme Co-Chairs: Bill Haskett (Decision Strategies), Francois Marechal (Quicksilver)

This theme will examine the relationship between the energy and the environment and will cover a broad range of topics from risk, environmental protection, regulatory issues and public perception concerning our industry.


  1. Best Environmental Practices in the Energy Sector
  2. Surficial Waters Stewardship
  3. Ground Water Management Techniques – Current and Future
  4. Sequestration – Established Versus Emerging
  5. Sub-Surface Injection/Diffusion and Neutralization –
    A Road Yet Travelled?
  6. The Big Picture – Environmental Assessment – Are We Missing Something?

Theme 4: Geochemistry, Basin Modeling and Petroleum Systems

Theme Co-Chairs: Ken Peters (Schlumberger), Cindy Robinson (Nexen, Calgary), Barry Bennett (Schlumberger)

This theme will highlight the latest techniques in petroleum geochemistry and basin modeling and their application in solving complex problems in exploration and development.


  1. Advances in Real-Time Downhole Geochemistry
  2. The Role of Petroleum Geochemistry in Heavy Oil Production
  3. Geochemistry and Geomechanics in Petroleum System Models of Unconventional Resources
  4. Petroleum System Modeling and Calibration of Conventional Resources
  5. Novel Calibration Tools for Petroleum System Models
  6. Integrating Seismic Technology With Basin Modeling for Pore Pressure Prediction
  7. Petroleum Systems: In Honor of Leslie B. Magoon (50 years!)

Theme 5: Structure, Tectonics and Geomechanics

Theme Co-Chairs: Amy Fox (Canadian Discovery), Bob Krantz (ConocoPhillips), Peter Hennings (ConocoPhillips)

This theme will focus on all scales of rock deformation and its implication on exploring, understanding and developing our resources.


  1. Geomechanics of Triggered Seismicity
  2. Application of In Situ Stress and Realistic Rock Mechanics Properties in Developing Unconventional Reservoirs
  3. Measuring and Representing Natural Fractures in the Subsurface
  4. Role of Structural Analysis in Unconventional Resource Development
  5. Why Structural Interpretation Quality Matters and How To Get It?
  6. Multi-Phase Deformation Systems and the Role of Structural Inheritance
  7. Structural Traps, Hydrocarbon Columns and Risk
  8. Structural Interpretation of Basin Development: Thrust Belts, Extended Margins and Tectonically Passive Systems

Theme 6: Unconventional Resources — Continuously Evolving and Expanding What We Know and Exploring What We Don't

Theme Co-Chairs: Sharleen Overland (AER), Dean Rokosh (AGS), John Suter (Independent), Kevin Mageau (Repsol), Raphael Wust (Trican)

This theme will examine the major unconventional resource plays around the world focusing on the key geological controls and need for integrated technical and business approaches to successfully explore and develop these resources in the current fiscal environment.


  1. Application of Microscale Techniques for Unconventional Plays
    (Pore Systems)
  2. Condensate and Dry Gas Unconventional Plays
  3. Tight Oil and Gas Plays
  4. Reservoir Characterization and Modeling of Resource Play
  5. Geostatistical Approaches: Uncertainty and Risk Management in Plays
  6. Advancement in Technology in Unconventional Plays
  7. Other Energy Minerals I: Uranium, Geothermal and Gas Hydrates
  8. Other Energy Minerals II: Coal, CBM and Oil Shale
  9. New Views of the Solar System

Theme 7: Oil Sands — Responsibly Exploring and Developing Vast Bitumen Resources

Theme Co-Chairs: Sharleen Overland (AER), Mark Caplan (Independent), Chris Seibel (Nexen), Steven Schamel (GeoX Consulting Inc.)

This theme will explore and investigate advances in the integrated science of exploring for oil sands, predicting performance and optimizing oil sands development.


  1. Oil Sands - New Methods of Development
  2. Reservoir Characterization
  3. Reservoir Stratigraphy: Case Studies
  4. Aquifer Characterization and Cap Rock Integrity
  5. Energy Development in the Oil Sands and Environmental Sustainability
  6. International Oil Sands Prospects

Theme 8: Resources to Reserves — Extracting Value Through Innovation and Business Efficiency

Theme Co-Chairs: Gary Citron (Rose and Associates), Jean-Yves Chatellier (Tecto Sedi Integrated)

This theme will focus on innovation, technology and the multidiscipline approaches that are enabling technical teams to convert resources to reserves. We invite detailed investigations and discussions on emerging strategies and workflows, and decision-making for resource and reserve recognition


  1. Emerging Strategies, Technology and Workflows for Successfully Understanding and Booking Resource and Reserves
  2. Innovative and Multidisciplined Approaches that are Maximizing Value in a Low Price Environment
  3. Strategies and Techniques to Better Quantify and Communicate Risk and Uncertainty
  4. Paradigms Lost – Re-Tooling and Re-Modeling in Oil and Gas

Theme 9: Geophysics — Integration of Geosciences and Engineering for Exploration and Production Success

Theme Co-Chairs: Huyen Bui (Shell International E & P), Satinder Chopra (Arcis Seismic Solutions)

This theme will incorporate evolving geophysical technologies and workflows that integrate and enhance geological understanding of the subsurface at all stages in the petroleum life-cycle. We hope to ask and answer difficult questions regarding the relevance of geophysics in increasingly engineering-driven plays.


  1. Reservoir Characterization in Clastics, Carbonates and Unconventionals
  2. Practical Microseismic
  3. Advanced Geophysical Techniques for Seismic and Non-Seismic Methods
  4. Deepwater, Subsalt, Subbasalt Exploration Challenges and Case Histories
  5. Environmental and Containment (Caprock, Frack Height) Geophysics
  6. Geophysical Monitoring: 4-D Seismic

CSPG International Core Conference, 23-24 June

Theme 10: Redefining Reservoir — Core Values

Theme Co-Chairs: Jim Barclay (ConocoPhillips), Ray Geuder (ConocoPhillips), Brent Kuntz (ConocoPhillips), Kelty Latos (ConocoPhillips), Dale Leckie (University of Calgary) and Kelsea Pedersen (ConocoPhillips)

CSPG’s annual core conference is being held adjacent to ACE 2016. This theme invites presentations, core displays and core posters to be featured at a post-convention seminar held at the world renowned Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) Core Research Center for two days of technical discussion and demonstration.


  1. Siliclastics
  2. Carbonates and Evaporites
  3. Oil Sands
  4. Ichnology
  5. Unconventional
  6. Geophysics
  7. Petrophysics
  8. Laboratory Methods

*Note: Core Conference presentations are required to be accompanied by core that is related to the rock formation/topic of your presentation. The Core Conference Committee is available to assist with shipment of core.

AAPG and SEPM Student Poster Sessions

Theme Co-Chairs: Susan Waters (Shell), Alex Janevski (Shell), Rick Sarg (Colorado School of Mines), Howard Harper (SEPM), Murray Gingras (University of Alberta)

This theme will focus on the research and current work of student members of AAPG and SEPM.


  1. AAPG
  2. SEPM

Special Session: SEPM Research Symposium: Revisiting Foreland Basin Tectonics, Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Drainage Systems

Theme Co-Chairs: Dale Leckie (University of Calgary), Andrew Miall (University of Toronto)

This theme will showcase recent research that furthers the understanding of the structure, evolution, sedimentary fill and fluid migration in foreland basins.


  1. Types of Foreland Basins and Foreland Basins Through Time
  2. Foreland Basin Drainages and Depozones
  3. Peripheral Versus Retroarc Foreland Basins
  4. Thermal History, Fluid Migration, Fluid Source and Hydrocarbon Migration

Special Session: History of Petroleum Geology: Remembering the Lessons of the Past: Key People, Key Concepts and Key Events From a Canadian Perspective

Theme Co-Chairs: Clinton Tippett (Shell Canada – retired), George Pemberton (University of Alberta (Edmonton)), David Finch (Industry historian and author)

This theme will present historical viewpoints on our industry predecessors, watershed events, first or giant discoveries and conceptual or technical developments in the oil and gas exploration of Canada and the world.


  1. History
  2. Petroleum Geology
  3. GeoLegends and Pioneers
  4. Canadian Basins
  5. Great Discoveries of the World
Questions? Please contact:
Alicia Collins Events Coordinator +1 918 560 2616