Ayranci, Korhan |
Multidisciplinary Integration of Sedimentology, Ichnology, Stratigraphy
and Geomechanics in Two Major Devonian Shale Plays in Canada; The Horn River
Group and Duvernay Formation |
British Columbia |
Bann, Kerrie |
Depositional Facies of the Lower Spirit River Formation – Wilrich Member, Alberta Deep Basin. |
Alberta |
Booker, Simone |
Marine Tongues in the lower Charlie Lake Formation,
Kobes-Altares region, northeastern British Columbia |
British Columbia |
Botterill, Scott |
Facies Architecture and Permeability Variation in a
Wave-Influenced Delta: Central Deposit, Peace River Oil Sands, Alberta |
Alberta |
Brinkerhoff, Riley |
The Bakken-Three Forks Petroleum System in the Northern
Williston Basin as Displayed by the Douts 4-7 Core, Burke County, North
Dakota, USA |
North Dakota |
Couples, Gary |
Digital Rock Approaches for Extending Core Materials into Time/Space/Process Dimensions |
Cronkwright, David |
Controls on Hydrocarbon Accumulation and Production in the Bakken
Formation: Integrating High Resolution Core Analysis with the
Sedimentological and Stratigraphic Attributes |
Saskatchewan |
Currie, Carolyn |
Lower Cretaceous Wilrich Member: Back to the Basics —
Core-Based Reservoir Evaluation |
Alberta |
Davies, Graham |
Slip faces and Cleavage in the Montney and Other Unconventional Reservoirs in the WCSB: Structural, Geomechanical and Drilling/Fracking Implications |
Alberta |
Dunham, John |
Paleogeographic Controls on Oil and Water Production from
Vuggy Dolomites of the Slave Point Formation (Middle Devonian), Shown by 35
Years of Production Data from Slave Field, Lubicon Lake, Alberta |
Alberta |
Eggie, Lauren |
Sedimentology and Reservoir Characterization of the Mississippian Pekisko
Formation, Hawk Hills Area, Northern Alberta |
Alberta |
Grey, Karen |
Stratigraphically-Constrained Variations in Poroelastic Properties in the
Pembina Cardium Halo Tight Oil Play: Facies, Fractures and Fundamentals |
Alberta |
Hildred, Gemma |
1001 Applications of Inorganic Geochemical Data: The Montney Edition |
Ishutov, Sergey |
Testing 3-D Printed Rock Copies in the Lab: Advantages and
Limitations |
N/A |
Knopp, Stefan |
Muddy Coastlines and Tidal Bays: Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous
Foreland Basin Deposition in West-Central Alberta |
Alberta |
Lake, John |
A New Model Suggesting Deepening Upwards Succession in the Midale Beds
(Carbonates, Mississippian) in the Williston Basin of Southeast Saskatchewan |
Saskatchewan |
Lamb, Malcolm |
Integrating Core, Log, Production and Outcrop Observation and
Analysis to Evaluate the Petroleum Potential of the Second White Speckled
Shales |
Alberta |
Mathison, Ed |
The Early Albian, McLaren Formation, North Cactus Lake Reservoir: Fluvial
to Tide Dominated Estuarine Valley Fill |
Saskatchewan |
Meloche, John |
How Deep Is Shallow? An Alternative Deep-Water Depositional Facies
Interpretation for Sandy Heterolithic Strata of the Turonian Cardium
Formation, Alberta, Canada |
Alberta |
Molinares-Blanco, Carlos |
Woodford Shale (Unconventional Resource) Core from the Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma: Litho/Sequence Stratigraphy, Palynology, Chemostratigraphy, Hardness, and Organic Geochemistry |
Oklahoma |
Moslow, Thomas |
Sedimentary Facies, Petrology, Conodont Biostratigraphy and Reservoir
Quality of a Continuous (395m) Full Diameter Core of the Lower Triassic
Montney Fm., Northeastern British Columbia |
British Columbia |
Osadetz, Kirk |
CaMI’s Countess well (10-22-17-16W4): The Upper Cretaceous
Succession at a Unique Subsurface Laboratory and Technology Demonstration
Site in Newell County, Alberta |
Alberta |
Percy, Emma |
Identification of Unconventional Reservoir “Sweet Spots” Using
Conventional Methods: Stratal Architecture and Facies Distribution of the
Colorado Group Shale, West-Central Alberta |
Alberta |
Phillips, Allan |
Reusable Reservoirs: Natural Gas and Liquid Hydrocarbon
Storage Pools of Southwestern Ontario |
Ontario |
Ranger, Mike |
The Character of Embayment Reservoirs in the Athabasca Oil Sands |
Alberta |
Rock, Luc |
Quest CCS Project: World’s 1st Full-Scale Commercial Application of CCS
at an Oil Sands Operation |
Alberta |
Rojas Aldana, Camilo |
Beyond The Limits Of The Pembina Oil Field – Cardium Formation Reservoir, Brazeau Area: A Study Of The Geological Characteristics Of A Highly Heterogeneous Rock Formation. Permeability, Geochemistry, Cementation, Diagenesis, Pdpk, Xrf, Xrd And E-Fe-Sem Analyses. |
Alberta |
Rott, Cornelius |
Reservoir Quality of a Diagenetically Altered Shallow Marine
Carbonate Interval in the Permian Zechstein (Ca2), East Germany —
Implications for Porosity Prediction Using Seismic Inversion Data |
Germany |
Sadownyk, Rob |
Mezardere Slope Fan Exploration Model, Thrace Basin, Turkey:
Integration of Core, Outcrop, Seismic and Well Log Data |
Turkey |
Schroeder, Rick |
Abandoned Channel Characterization at Surmont and Implications for SAGD
Development of the McMurray Formation |
Alberta |
Schultz, Sarah |
Subsurface Analysis of Falling Stage and Lowstand Deposits of the Lower
Cretaceous (Albian) Viking Formation at the Joarcam Field, Central Alberta,
Canada |
Alberta |
Sonnenberg, Steve |
The Giant Continuous Oil Accumulation in the Bakken Petroleum System,
U.S. Williston Basin |
North Dakota |
Soule, Gregory |
Unconventional Resources in Turbidite Sands of the Recôncavo Basin,
Onshore Brazil: Core to Seismic Interpretation |
Brazil |
Stoakes, Franklin |
Stratal Architecture of a Fine-grained Carbonate Play: The Regional Swan
Hills Platform in West Central Alberta |
Alberta |
Turner, Bryan |
The Use of Chemostratigraphy to Refine Ambiguous Sequence Stratigraphic
Correlations in Marine Mudrocks. An Example from the Woodford Shale, Oklahoma |
Oklahoma |
Yang, Chengyu |
Possible Occurrences of Transition Zones and Residual Oil Zones Below
Oil-Water Contacts in Mature Oil Fields, Southeast Saskatchewan |
Saskatchewan |
Zonneveld, John-Paul |
The Montney-Doig Boundary and the ‘Anisian Wedge’: New Information on an
Old Problem |
British Columbia |