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Hutton’s Quest: Rock, Paper, TRIVIA

Wednesday, 30 September 2020, 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.  |  Austin, Texas

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Wednesday, 30 September 2020
5:30 pm–7:30 pm CDT

James Hutton is widely regarded as the ‘father’ of modern geology, but a lot has changed since he first published Theory of the Earth in 1788. From medicine and the culinary arts to energy and pop culture, earth science is everywhere. You’ve seen the rocks. You’ve read the papers. Now, at the AAPG ACE 2020 Virtual Meeting, it’s time to test your knowledge of all things geologic as you and your conference colleagues compete to be the ultimate titan of geoscience trivia in Hutton’s Quest. Grab your computer or smartphone and join the AAPG Women’s Network, the Young Professionals SIG and the STEMulating SIG for a fun-filled evening on Zoom as we use game platform kahoot to find out who is guru of glacial landforms, sultan of sedimentology, big shot of the Bertrand lens and wizard of wireline tools. With $1,500 in prizes at stake, the heroes of Hutton’s Quest will be rewarded handsomely for their high-speed answers. Thank you to Gretchen Gillis and Dave Cook for their generous sponsorship of this event and to all our question writers for helping create the world of Hutton’s Quest. Download the kahoot smartphone app or navigate to kahoot.it to play. Adventure awaits!

How to Play Instructions


Hutton’s Quest: Rock, Paper, TRIVIA
Austin, TX
Austin, Texas
United States