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Perfecting the Search: Learning from Dry Holes to Enable Future Exploration Success

Special Session

Tuesday, 29 September 2020, 10:05 a.m.–11:50 a.m.  |  Houston, Texas

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Global experts will share hard-won lessons on decision tree analysis, post mortem case studies, probabilistic analysis for conventional dry holes, privileged insights from global direct hydrocarbon indicators (DHIs), critical elements in look-alike analogs, and how corporate look-backs reinforce the importance of maintaining and regenerating healthy prospect inventories. The goal of this session is to help explorers improve their success rate through illustrative methodologies and examples.


  • Decision Tree to Determine the Key Failure Mode for Segments in Conventional Petroleum Prospects: A.V. Milkov, J.M. Samis
  • Probabilistic Failure Analysis for Conventional Dry Holes: M. Morris
  • Lessons from Global Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators (DHIs): H. Pettingill
  • Basin Neighbors: Why One Succeeds While the Look-Alike Next Door Fails?: J. Dribus
  • Anadarko Petroleum Exploration Lookback 2004-18: Lessons Learned for Conventional Exploration Risk and Uncertainty Predictions: R. Boyd


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Alexei Milkov and Charles Sternbach


Perfecting the Search: Learning from Dry Holes to Enable Future Exploration Success
George R. Brown Convention Center
1001 Avenida De Las Americas
Houston, Texas 77010
United States
(713) 853-8000