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Energy in The Twenty First Century and the Role of Hydrocarbons

The Division of Professional Affairs (DPA) Featured Speaker

Tuesday, 29 September 2020, 12:15 p.m.–1:00 p.m.  |  

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The energy transition is often described as the switch from carbon-based fuels to non-carbon fuels. Yet global reserves and production of oil and natural gas continue to grow, as energy demand continues to rise with population and industrialization. To the objective consumer, it is not fossil fuels per se that are the problem, but rather the impacts of all forms of energy, at scale, on land, water, local air and the atmosphere. Of course, there is more to the energy transition than just environmental impact. One third of the global population lives in various states of energy poverty. The sustainable energy transition will happen when all humans are lifted from energy poverty. Rather than creating the false political dichotomies of “good and bad,” “clean and dirty,” it is vital that the energy dialog seek compromise and non-partisan convergence on workable solutions, which will vary by country and region. The good news is, such solutions exist.


Dr. Scott W. Tinker Director, Bureau of Economic Geology, State Geologists of Texas; Professor, Edwin Allday Endowed Chair in Subsurface Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, UT-Austin


Energy in The Twenty First Century and the Role of Hydrocarbons