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Susan Nash
Susan Nash Director, Innovation and Emerging Science and Technology +1 918 560 2604

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U-Pitch Technology Showcase

29 September to 1 October 2020
10:00 am–5:00 pm (Sept 29 - Sept 30)
10:00 am–1:00 pm (Oct 1)
Included with Registration
"Live" 15-minute block to discuss your product with attendees; opportunity to upload your pre-recorded narrated PowerPoint which will be available on-demand; dedicated chat box for messages and questions; access to the technical program, exhibit hall, networking events, and other conference-affiliated events.
30 presentation slots

U-Pitch Sign Up

Do you need to build markets for your new technology?

Do you want to speed up adoption?
Find investors?

Join the U-Pitch Technology Showcase where you can pitch to potential customers, commercialization partners, and even sources of capital. You’ll have a 15-minute block for your brief presentation and questions and answers. Your presentation will also be available on our website, and we’ll continue to introduce you to possible partners and customers.

U-Pitch is perfect for your:

  • Your new technology or innovation
  • Finding companies interested in testing your product in the field
  • Finding commercialization partners and investors
  • Your property or project that implements new technology optimizing energy production (all kinds of energy)
  • Your research consortium with new technology and techniques
  • Clean energy, water, and environmental products
  • Surface imaging and analysis (drones, satellite imaging, autonomous vehicles)
  • Robotics and automation
  • Smart systems and sensing / sensors
  • Multi-industry products / analytics (cross-over to other industries or segments, such as supply chain, or imaging)

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