The Goal: Bring together opportunities and funding sources (investors, partners, etc.), with an emphasis on the development, application, and/or implementation of new technologies
Vision: Converting science and networking into forward-looking opportunities, with innovation and intrinsic value
What is Pitchapalooza?
Pitchapalooza is an event where individuals and companies can "pitch" an audience and potentially obtain funding for a project. These can include oil & gas projects that feature a new application of technology, or the development of an innovative (even disruptive) technology. The goal is to help accelerate the productive development and application of innovation as well as ensure potential for a significant return on investment.
Projects can include mature fields that can be revitalized, shale plays that have newly identified sweet spots, new technologies for identifying hydrocarbons (either as reservoirs or as environmental problems), alternative energy solutions, smart systems, sensors, or software.
How does it work?
Presenters will pitch to an audience of financing sources and potential partners. We’ve been very fortunate to have high-quality ideas in a wide range of areas.
To maintaining energy and interest, pitches will be limited to 5 minutes. Potential financing sources and partners can then follow up by downloading expanded pitches they want to pursue further. We request that you use the official 5-minute pitch template for your onsite pitch.
Expanded pitches can be emailed to Susan Nash and will be available after Pitchapalooza ends. Deadline for submission of expanded pitches is April 5, 2017.
8:00 am
Introductions and goals
8:10 am
5-minute presentations
8:50 am
9:00 am
5-minute presentations
9:50 am
10:00 am
5-minute presentations
10:50 am
11:00 am
5-minute presentations
11:50 am
12 Noon
5-minute presentations
12:30 pm
Thank you and sponsor acknowledgment
12:45 – 2 pm
Networking / Questions and Answers / Meet & Greet
Sponsorships available. For more information, contact Susan Nash
Who Benefits from Participating?
- Potential investors, private equity, working interest partners
- Operators with property needing revitalization, in-field drilling, or even exploration
- Companies with new technologies / processes
- Companies wishing to find a partner in order to expand or franchise
- Individuals with farmouts or options on large blocks of acreage needing geophysics / geochemical / airborne surveys to determine prospectivity and ideal drilling
- Database developers / Big Data analytics with processes that result in maps that show sweet spots or opportunities
Who is signing up?
- Companies with wells needing revitalization
- Companies with shale plays with identified and undrilled sweet spots
- New technologies
- New services (drones, sensor implementation, petrophysics, more)
- Tech Startups
- Commercialization experts and Market-makers
- New analytics applications: Big Data / AI / Deep Learning
- Individuals wanting to apply new technologies to the "botched" early shale plays
Sponsorship Opportunities
- Visionary $1,000
- Shark $500
- Angel $250
Sponsors will be be acknowledged in multiple places. Your name will appear on our press releases, blog, website, program, and signage.
You may have a table to set out flyers and marketing information. Visionaries will have the change to sponsor the refreshments (cookies, snack items, tea, coffee, bottled water).
Pitch Topics
- Three mature fields in Kansas and Utah that have paraffin issues; seeking partners to apply new paraffin solutions, then commercialize the solution
- Product that generates low-cost, high-ROI natural gas
- High-functioning drones that can automatically recharge batteries / change payload
- New surfactants for late-stage waterfloods: Three fields in Kansas and Missouri ready for treatment – partner in the wells, and also partner in the commercialization of the new surfactant / process
- New reservoir simulation programs
- Innovative solution for produced water using a new evaporation technique (low cost)
- New method of heating pipe for eliminating paraffin issues
- New technology for coatings for proppants
- New algorithms and Big Data workflows for fracture modeling
- New type of drone that works well with multiple sensors
- New helium exploration method (and a helium exploration proposal)
- Dynamic workflows for Big Data Analysis that incorporate diverse data sets
- Algorithms for effectively and accurately reducing noise
- Sweet spots based on new analytics in prospects / properties in Pennsylvania
- New geothermal optimization in geothermal exploration and production
- New type of pressure sensor to last longer in difficult locations, with more sensitivity and longer life
- New application to use an AdRoll type of approach to accelerate the commercialization process for new technologies
- Proposal to integrate surface information (methane, gases, thermal) with subsurface structure (faults, etc.) to determine correlations and find new prospects or sweet spots
- Digital stratigraphic framework for the Appalachian Basin
- Combination geochemical/ geomechanical string optimized for unconventional resources and horizontal wells
- Wellsite Logging Applications with proprietary Gas Detection and quantitative Petrography.
- Lab drilling cuttings quantitative analysis with proprietary measured parameters.