100 Years of Science
Fueling 100 Years of Prosperity



Important Notes Regarding Field Trips

  • Field trips are limited in size and are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis and must be accompanied by full payment.
  • If you do not plan on attending the convention, a US $30 enrollment fee will be added to the field trip fee. This fee may be applied toward registration if you decide to attend the convention at a later date.
  • A wait list is automatically created if a field trip sells out. The AAPG Convention Department will notify you if space becomes available.
  • Before purchasing non-refundable airline tickets, confirm that the trip will take place, as trips may be canceled if under-subscribed.
  • Please register well before 23 February. Field trip cancellation due to low enrollment will be considered at this time. No refunds will be allowed on field trips after this date.
  • We will continue to take registrations for field trips not canceled until they are either sold out or closed.
  • It is important that you note your gender when registering for hotel room assignments.
  • Prior to the field trip you will receive an itinerary with details of meeting points, transportation with the trip phone numbers and email addresses of hotels and trip leaders, etc.
  • Proper clothing and supplies are needed for the outdoors (hat, windbreaker, sturdy footwear and rucksack).
  • Depending on location, temperatures can range from 40 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit with or without rain. Participants are advised to check local weather forecasts for latest updates.
  • Insect repellent and sun protection (sunscreen and hats) are recommended.
  • AAPG, the sponsoring organizations nor field trip leaders and their employers maintain insurance covering illness or injury for individuals.


There are a limited number of discounted registrations available for students on a first-come, first-served basis. If a discounted space is still available, it will show up during the online registration process. If discounted spots are no longer available, you may register at the full fee; if we are able to add additional discounted spots we will refund the difference at that time.

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Questions? Please contact:
Kendra McColloch
Meeting Planner
+1 918 560 2689
Alicia Collins
Events Coordinator
+1 918 560 2616